The Conference as a part of HERINFUTUR project was held on 20th of April 2022 in the Great Hall of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina

Slavica Vujović, PhD representing The Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Foundation for the management of Bač Cultural Landscape exhibited the topic “Protection of cultural heritage in the AP Vojvodina territory”.In the first part of the presentation, she displayed cultural heritage in Republic of Serbia and AP Vojvodina, as well as their characteristics. In the second part, a video about The Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments was shown (by the authors and producers: Miroslav Stajić and Aleksandar Zec) following the commentary about this institution’s uniqueness. The final part was dedicated to assesing the Bač Cultural Landscape values in the light of obtaining potential status as UNESCO site. Participation of the youth in the “Centuries of Bač“ and “Bač Cultural Landscape“ projects was underlined as very relevant for the process of research, conservation, as well as heritage popularization. Many activities including formal and informal education were carried out. In that light, many efforts were made in raising children’s awareness of the cultural heritage values.

The opening word in the conference was given to Dragana Milošević, provincial secretary, Ana Mađar, adviser for culture, sports and youth of Csongrád Canád County and vice president of the European Committee of the Regions and Aleksandar Simurdić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. Nemanja Milenković, the director of the Foundation “Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture”, spoke about the importance of cultural heritage in the thematic block “European Aspects”. The representative of Csongrád County, Chanad Peter Folbert, spoke about the protection of heritage and experiences in the European Union, as well as Vladimir Marinković, the head of the French Institute in Novi Sad. Speeches at the conference were also given by: Tijana Stanković Pešterac, PhD, director of the Museum of Vojvodina, Danilo Vuksanović, MA, from the Matica Srpska Gallery, Tatjana Bugarski, PhD, coordinator for intangible cultural heritage in APV and Đura Radišić, director of the Bogdan Šuput School of Design. The conference provided an insight into the modern approach and quality results achieved in working with young people through the programs of national and provincial institutions.

Source of photography: (Marija Erdelji)